IAO Valley Maui

IAO Valley Maui
click on pic for Whole Earth Health

Friday, September 02, 2011

The 'meek' are masters in the process of remembering.
One of the first steps in being 'meek' is to think/feel how to give rather than to receive.
When we remember a certain amount of our mastery...we know that it is in giving that we receive....giving with an open heart with no expectation, strings or need.
We master the spirit of giving...with discernment...giving for the sake of giving isn't always in the highest good...see what is appropriate and respect the free will of all.
Masters watch...and when the Light is quickening...they rush in to assist in the increase...because they can.

At present we are seeing the change from masculine thinking processes to the qualities of feminine.
The Orion Stargate that is in the process of aligning with this planet and all inhabitants hereof...is a gateway into Divine Love.
Life without resistance....Pure Essence..where all is naturally loving....peaceful.....trusting...truthful...harmonious...and BEAUTIFUL.....with reverence always...without thought...belief...IT simply IS.
Practice these qualities in daily life....to prepare for the transit/transition of consiousness to the Hearts Desire.