IAO Valley Maui

IAO Valley Maui
click on pic for Whole Earth Health

Friday, April 16, 2010

There are two 'types' of light in human experience....

 The dualistic light that the physical, emotional and mental bodies are created/uncreated in, a myriad of vibrational light visually reflected by the spectrum we see in the rainbow. 

 The Source Light that is Unified.....
in the Heart Centre.

 The Divine Play~

 Realizing ALL Light, inclusion...of ALL THAT IS...with out a better or worse.....this is God Realization

An appropriate quote from Glenda Green's weekly meditation....www.lovewithoutend.com

 This Week's Quote

"The Sacred Heart is your magnetic center as well as your source of higher intelligence and your very life force. The very center of your life is a great and powerful magnet. Therefore, you can see that it would be a mistake to look for your purpose outside yourself. Your purpose will not be at the end of a long adventure. It will be found in the way you engage with the adventure. Your purpose will not be found at the end of an inspiring seminar. It will be found in that which drew you to the seminar in the first place and the way in which you made a contribution to it." 

Love Without End, Chapter 12, p. 310 

nor will it be found in the person holding the event....I think of Drunvalo's event completing today....and all those just beginning....
as JWRay would say 'personalities come and go, principles remain the same'.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

B.E. Participants~
Now is the time to have your supplements ordered from Enzymes International, and sent to Grace Grove. Address on GG site.
We have permission to do this.
Printing a map for Grace Grove is helpful as well.
Looks like the SweatLodge is a go.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

For participants of Sedona B.E.,
see January...on this blog, where it says Sedona B.E. Recordings,
click on read more....to find a few hours of taped lecture.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Jade Wah'oo Grigori in Sedona Arizona
Please go to 
to read excellent~ Articles, Teachings and more.....
See what Jade has to offer.

A Magical Time~
Our little group of travellers gathered at the Sunset spot....
just as we settled in , about 5 minutes before Sunset, four White Trumpet Swans flew right in front of us...it was about 30 seconds of surreal as they glided past....before landing in the water.
They are enormous!
and so graceful....

What a display of Beauty!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Hatha Yoga was given for the discipline of the human body, mind and emotion.

When practiced according to the teachings (never with a plastic mat)
one gains mastery/control over the lower laws, thus naturally abiding in One's True Nature, Spiritual Light.

Body Electronics and Yoga (Knowing ONEness) are integrally connected.
Being Perfectly Still
Breathing Deep and regular (consciously controlled)
Eating a light and healthy diet
Mastering emotions/mental discipline, all required before 
Spiritual Enlightenment/Unfoldment.

Hello B.E. Family 
Sedona 2010
This is an invitation for everyone participating in the B.E. gathering to meet for lunch at Thai Spices around 1:00 May 4th.
From there we will formulate the afternoon.
As I said before we may arrive at Grace Grove after 5:00.
See you soon~

Scott Huckabay at Illia's
May 09,
Scott is playing at Old Town Theatre, Cottonwood AZ for those who'll be in the area on April 23.

Friday, April 09, 2010


Drunvalo and Illia after Ceremony on the
 Island of the Moon
Lake Titicaca.

Last evening my sons cleaned up to prepare for guests.
They put a pile of my things for me to put away.
This morning while looking at the pile, Serpent of Light by Drunvalo caught my eye....I hadn't read it in years.
I opening it to the exact page where he describes the Peruvian trip.
Soon, tears came as I recalled the Power and Energy that propelled us on that journey.
 Here is a story of one of my experiences...
When Drunvalo first mentioned the trip to me in 2003, I felt a stirring, but it seemed unlikely.
The Beings that talk to me, said you are going and you are to take the Eagle Feather.
I had one Eagle Feather that had been gifted to me about 20 years prior, which i had used in Ceremony all those years.
I said 'not this Eagle Feather', I'm not beyond disagreement.
so, i went on a quest for the 'feather'.
I knew where to go and soon found someone with a feather.
He handed it to me, and my heart sank, it had a broken quill, and I knew I couldn't take this one...
I lamented about this stubbornly, even feeling I didn't need to go to Peru.
But not a chance, 'they' (my Guides) wouldn't leave me alone....awake or asleep they pestered me.
I finally surrendered, wrapped the Eagle Feather so dear to my heart, in a beautiful piece of silk, and I went to Peru.
They said I would know the exact moment as to where the Feather was to go.
and I did
It was about midnight, the Energy was really high...when I saw Drunvalo walking up the brick hilly walkways in the little town created at the foot of Machu Picchu. 
I had to dodge through the crowds, beacause Drunvalo doesn't go anywhere slow.
Eventually I shouted his name and he stopped suddenly and turned with a smile.
I opened my bag, that I was babying on the trip, and reached in to get the cloth wrapped Feather. With two hands I passed it to his open hands, he slowly and tenderly opened the cloth, and his eyes got big, and he was even a little surprised. He asked what he was to do with it, i replied 'You'll know'.
 As Drunvalo writes he exchanged it in Ceremony. I'm not to write about the Ceremony now, maybe someday.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Concentrate the energy of heart, soul, mind and body to uplift consciousness and gain control/freedom in our lives.

Meditate, Be Still, Breath deep and regular, discipline the body, emotions and mind for Higher Purpose.


Friday, April 02, 2010

The Easter Egg represents the Ascension (Perfection) of human consciousness. The 'miracle' of the egg.....when Mary M took the egg to declare Christ is Risen...Caesar said 'that is as likely as this egg turning from white to red' and then it promptly did.
This is where the Easter egg legacy comes from....
Enjoy the 'miracle' of the Easter Lingam.

This is depicted in paintings of Mary Magdalene holding the egg.

May all see hear and feel the example that Jeshua/Jesus gave, and take from this the inspiration for change.
Ten Steps to Perfection by John Ray
6~Brotherly Kindness

Through selfless service (giving and receiving without an agenda of personal gain) are we truly participating in the ascension of humankind.