IAO Valley Maui

IAO Valley Maui
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Friday, April 09, 2010


Drunvalo and Illia after Ceremony on the
 Island of the Moon
Lake Titicaca.

Last evening my sons cleaned up to prepare for guests.
They put a pile of my things for me to put away.
This morning while looking at the pile, Serpent of Light by Drunvalo caught my eye....I hadn't read it in years.
I opening it to the exact page where he describes the Peruvian trip.
Soon, tears came as I recalled the Power and Energy that propelled us on that journey.
 Here is a story of one of my experiences...
When Drunvalo first mentioned the trip to me in 2003, I felt a stirring, but it seemed unlikely.
The Beings that talk to me, said you are going and you are to take the Eagle Feather.
I had one Eagle Feather that had been gifted to me about 20 years prior, which i had used in Ceremony all those years.
I said 'not this Eagle Feather', I'm not beyond disagreement.
so, i went on a quest for the 'feather'.
I knew where to go and soon found someone with a feather.
He handed it to me, and my heart sank, it had a broken quill, and I knew I couldn't take this one...
I lamented about this stubbornly, even feeling I didn't need to go to Peru.
But not a chance, 'they' (my Guides) wouldn't leave me alone....awake or asleep they pestered me.
I finally surrendered, wrapped the Eagle Feather so dear to my heart, in a beautiful piece of silk, and I went to Peru.
They said I would know the exact moment as to where the Feather was to go.
and I did
It was about midnight, the Energy was really high...when I saw Drunvalo walking up the brick hilly walkways in the little town created at the foot of Machu Picchu. 
I had to dodge through the crowds, beacause Drunvalo doesn't go anywhere slow.
Eventually I shouted his name and he stopped suddenly and turned with a smile.
I opened my bag, that I was babying on the trip, and reached in to get the cloth wrapped Feather. With two hands I passed it to his open hands, he slowly and tenderly opened the cloth, and his eyes got big, and he was even a little surprised. He asked what he was to do with it, i replied 'You'll know'.
 As Drunvalo writes he exchanged it in Ceremony. I'm not to write about the Ceremony now, maybe someday.