IAO Valley Maui

IAO Valley Maui
click on pic for Whole Earth Health

Saturday, October 01, 2011

 of seeing your reflection in another is complex .....when self responsibility to greater love is our commitment....our inner guidance will show us where something needs weeded out of consciousness...through emotional reactivity, mental justifications....good old fashioned judgements...good/bad....evil/divine.....etc.

I have heard people use it as a warring tactic.....'I am your reflection'.....
my most loving teachers.....give the amount of intensification that they see I can handle in the moment...always for my greater awakening....
too much reflection can create havoc...and set a person backwards....not enough brings stagnation....
and at times the best thing to do is to let it BE~
knowing the right amount...in the exact timing is for masters and parents...whose greatest force is unconditional LOVE~
those of us who are teaching or would like to teach....go inside ask for guidance....and do the best you can....no regrets~
we are all in our own ways moving into unity consciousness.